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Praise for Drugs Expert at recent Legal Conferences

December 18 2018

KBC's Julian Dunnill, a forensic expert in all aspects of drugs, spoke to delegates at the Criminal Law Friends Society Autumn Crime Conferences in Brimingham and London in October.  His talk entitled 'Recent Ripples in the World of Drugs' looked at the scientific aspects of Fentanyl, considered new psychoactive substances including nitrous oxide, and concluded with a discussion on recent defences in cannabis cultivation cases.  Mr Dunnill's colleague Sarah Morley, another of KBC's drugs experts, presented on his behalf at the Manchester CLFS conference.

Feedback from the conferences specifically mentioned that "Julian Dunnill gave an extremely clear and informative lecture" and that the drugs lecture was "excellent" and "very relevant".

You can read an article based on these talks HERE.

Keith Borer Consultants can provide assistance in cases of drug seizure, drug synthesis/production, new psychoactive substances, methodologies of drug importation, drugs intelligence, drug valuations, drug usage patterns and in the interpretation of text messages pertinent to drug-related activities.

Contact our Durham office on 0191 332 4999 to discuss your case.

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